Public Prayers 5


Gracious Lord, we come before you with grateful hearts for the many mercies and blessings already provided this day, and yet most of them we have not even noticed.   The Sun has risen with the dawn, and graced our world with light; so too have we been granted strength to arise to light and life in Jesus Christ.   The heavens today portray a new canvas of your handiwork, patterns and pictures which were not of yesterdays skies, so too the plans and purposes on your heart for us today are not of yesterday but new and fresh opportunities to grow and glorify our Saviour by our living and loving for Him.


We sense around us the colours of the fields, the beauty of the flowers, the glories of nature and the song of the many varieties of little birds – who neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet you feed and provide for them.  You have told us that we are much more valuable than “many sparrows” yet we fret and fear and are anxious every day about the future, and few of us sleep well.


Enable us Lord to “cast our cares on you” and walk in the “peace of God which surpasses all understanding”,   so that walking and working in Kingdom principles and at peace with the King, we might have an impact for good and for God in the troubled world around us.

Your promises sustain us and your word supports our fainting spirits, so enable us to work the word in our lives so that we may in all our ways and in all our days reflect the beauty of Jesus in both our walk and talk.


As we read and study the Sacred Page now, may your word grip and gladden our hearts, renew and restore our resolve and motivate and move our feet into paths of righteousness, for your dear names sake.

And we ask all these things with thanksgiving in the worthy name of your Son our Saviour, even Jesus Christ our Lord:



Public Prayers & Intercessions 5


Heavenly Father, your word reminds us that in your presence there is Perfect Peace, and we know that when we sit and worship with you a calm and comfort falls upon us. Yet we are conscious that we live in a world that is in constant search for peace, but looking for it, we believe, in all the wrong places without success.   Life for many of our family, neighbours and friends, appears to be a constant anxious struggle and frantic existence. Panic and peril seem to overtake and overrule in the heart?

We may only conclude that we have at large, failed to rest in you and in your word, failed to appreciate and appropriate the many promises given us in the Bible, and failed to possess them and confess them as our own.

Pressures and Problems have robbed us of our peace and stolen our joy.

Instead of rejoicing in the Lord always, we have been miserable and melancholic and poor adverts for the Kingdom of God.   Forgive us

Lord and enable us to understand what “walking with Jesus”

can truly do for us.

We remember at your Throne of Heavenly Grace, all those for whom, recent days have been especially difficult and troubling.   Those who have lost the song in their heart and the smile on their face; and those for whom the future looks bleak?   We think about those who have just received distressing news, disturbing revelations, or destroying reports.

We thank you that in every Storm, you are still Lord.   You are still able to speak “peace be still” to the roughest tempest and the fiercest waves, and they must all lie down at your command.   So we ask today that you will command a Blessing on all who are troubled, tried and tested, so that your work of Grace might be done in them and to them – and then through them … to the blessing and benefit of others.


We thank you, that your word reminds us that “to everything there is a season” … so enable us to understand the reason for the season of pain and problem in our lives – and speedily bring us into a new season of hope and help in God. For we ask all these our petitions and prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray and say …” Our Father “….