Easter Prayers 1

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we come humbly and reverently in your awesome presence with Joy and thanksgiving for the Life eternal and Life abundant that is our purchased possession, because Jesus has been to the Cross on our behalf. We thank you that the price HE paid was greater than the debt owed. We thank you for His love and life, for his example and excellence, for his word and works, for his grace and glory, for his intercession and intervention in our lives, and for the supreme sacrifice of his body broken and his blood shed for our holiness and wholeness, our pardon and peace and our heaven and home.   Grant to us dear Father at this Eastertide, the daily victory and power of the resurrection, so that dying to self, we may be empowered by your Holy Spirit, and rise to newness of life in Christ, and walk in love and obedience. Raise us today above the petty and insignificant things that cause division and quarrelling, raise us above our theological differences, above our traditions and practices to the life abundant promised by your Son.   Give us praising and praying lips and hearts, to sing your praises and sound your promises to a lost, helpless and wayward world.   Forgive our sins, our foolish ways, our faults and failing, and enable us to learn from the wisdom of your word and apply it to our lives every day.   Bless your Church across the world on this Easter Sunday, restore to her the vision and vitality that was given her in the Book of Acts, and grant that her mission and message may be with power and in the demonstration and anointing of the Holy Spirit. And all these things we ask for ourselves and for your Church worldwide

In the Saviours name



Easter Intercessions 1

Father of Mercies and God of all comfort, we thank you that walking in your shadow, walking with you, along this the road of our earthly pilgrimage, we can know and experience light in our darkness, hope in our despair, and joy in our sorrows. We thank you that you are the Risen, Triumphant Saviour and have conquered for us all the power of the devil of darkness, and even of death itself .   We thank you that our enemies have been defeated at the Cross and at the Tomb.   Help us, and our brothers and sisters across the world, to know that sense of victory in our lives and in our circumstances. Father we confess to our shame that we do too often take our eyes off you, and fix them upon our problems, our pressures and our pains.


Help us to be guided and governed by your Holy Word, so that we may worry less, and lean more on your ever-lasting Arms, and your ever-loving Heart.   Grant dear Father that Jesus may be our chiefest Joy, and our dearest Love. Give us the eyes of faith, to see the good in every situation and to ponder on nothing that is negative, but to set our heart and hopes on the eternal picture, and the things that fade not, nor pass away.   May we sleep every night enfolded in your care and comfort, and sleep at the last assured of our Salvation in His finished work.   Bless dear Lord all who need a special touch of resurrection today. Raise us and our world out of the pit of selfishness and greed, and deliver us from the snares and sins that can so easily destroy us. We place ourselves and our loved ones in your great care and keeping and we ask that you grant us the things we need most, for our growth and for your glory, for we make our prayer in the mighty name of the Risen Saviour, who has taught us when we pray to say …   Our Father …. Amen