Prayers 15

Dear Lord and Father, from your hand we have received only good and not evil, from your heart we have received only love and not hate, and from your word we have received only light and not darkness. Yet we so often walk in darkness, live with evil, and foster hatred. We acknowledge to our shame that we have allowed our lives to more regularly be influenced by Sin and Satan instead of God and Good. Pardon and forgive us, Restore and remake us, so that being fashioned and framed in the Pattern and Example of your Son, we may become more like Jesus every day, and less like the sinful fallen creation into which we were born.

We thank you for the Inspiration of your Word and remember that Manna was provided daily for your people as they wandered through the wilderness without any other provision, so too you have told us that we may live, live spiritually by “every word that proceeded out of your mouth”. Heavenly Father, Feed our Souls today, Nourish our Understanding, Satisfy our Cravings for better things as we read and meditate on the Holy Page. Lift us up, lift us to new heights above the hum-drum platitudes of Religion to the realities of a living Relationship with you, so that walking with God and not walking alone, we may have and enjoy Life Abundant and Life Eternal. Bless those who reach toward Heaven today in their prayers and petitions, and bend your ear to their cries and their pain granting them the hope and help they need. Strengthen your Church on Earth to be the witness you have called her to be, in these dark and difficult times. Grant to us all the grace that saves and the love that shares.

For Jesus Christ’s sake, Amen.

Prayers of Intercession

Father in Heaven, God of all Grace and Mercy, we humbly and reverently bow in your presence unworthy in ourselves, of the pardon and peace you offer. Yet we thank you for the Finished work of our Saviour on the Cross, for the means of Grace and the Hope of Glory, the forgiveness of Sins and the Life everlasting.

We rejoice that we come before a patient God, and a tender-hearted Saviour, and a loving Father. Your anger with our fallen humanity is no more, for the debt has been settled and Jesus is our mediator. We acknowledge that your judgement was poured out on Him on the Cross and that by accepting him as our Saviour and Sin bearer we become Sons and Daughters of the Most High, and therefore Most Blessed. Father we see around us those who know little or nothing of such blessings.

We hurt for them, we cry for them, we grieve for them, they are without God, without Hope and without doubt Lost and alone in our world. You have entrusted your Church with the Gospel, the Good News of a better way, a better life, a better love and a better foundation. Yet we have often been silent when we should have spoken up. We have been empty handed when we should have been generous. We have been inward looking when we should have been out-going. We have been so like the world that the world have not noticed us.

Change us Lord and make us Shine in our world as lamps in a dark place, as beacons on a rocky coastline, as a warm welcome in a cold place. Dear Saviour, we know that you must Change us, before we can Change our world, so we offer our lives today, as living sacrifices which is our Spiritual Worship, and our Reasonable Service.

Take us and Use us, Fill us and Infuse Us, and Hold Us and Enfold Us, in your Mighty Arms, and we ask these things in the name of Him who taught us when we pray to say, “Our Father” Amen.