Prayers 2

Almighty God our Heavenly Father, we come humbly and reverently before your throne of mercy for grace and pardon, for you are our maker and remember that we are dust, and that in us, that is in our flesh dwells no good thing. Enable us to rise above our faults and failing, and Restore us in love to fellowship with one another for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Help us to make the right choices, and walk worthy of him in the days that lie ahead. Give us victory over the things that tempt us to do what is wrong instead of what is right, and enable us to understand the weaknesses of our flesh, and the dependency we have on your indwelling Holy Spirit to enable us to walk in obedience. We rejoice that our righteousness is not in ourselves but in Jesus Christ, and trusting in his finished work, we can stand justified in Him, for time and eternity. Yet we acknowledge that while we are freed from the penalty of sin, and are being freed from the power of sin, we can experience victory over the presence of sin every day. We rejoice “that when we confess our sin you are faithful and just and will forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. “

Lord help us to walk in love, both with you as our Saviour and Friend, and with one another for we are to “love our neighbour as ourselves”.

Give us a fresh motivation to love and live for Jesus in these days, so that those we live with, and work with, and trade with, and play with will understand more of the greater love of God for them because of our witness and our walk. Inspire and Anoint your Ministers who Preach the great Riches of Christ, so that the true Gospel of the Kingdom which brings transformation into peoples lives and circumstances, may bring freedom and hope to many today. Bless this broadcast to all who have tuned in, and may your Word truly be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our Path, as we listen and meditate on it… and we say with the Hymn Writer, “Holy Spirit shine now upon the Book we read, and guild its Holy Pages with all the light we need” for we ask these and all our Prayers in the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen

Prayers of Intercession

Lord of all life and Lover of all Souls, we acknowledge you in all our ways, so that you may Direct our Paths in the Good things that you have destined for us. We Pray for those who need help today, and especially for those who feel forsaken and abandoned by friends and family, and who do not know which way to turn next. We pray for all at “wits end corner” that you will visit them in their distress and bring the peace and calm of your Holy Spirit into their lives and circumstances. We remember all who are sick at home or in hospital, and all who minister to their needs, for all who are anxious, fearful and depressed, lonely suicidal and unloved. Motivate and move our communities to care, and give your people a heart after God, to have compassion for the needs of others and a willingness to help, that expresses itself in more than empty words, but in positive action. Grant to those in Authority, the wisdom that comes from Heaven, so that the affairs of this world may be so ordered after your perfect and holy will. Bring us like Christ to the joy of sacrifice so that we may give and not count the cost, work and not seek for any reward, and pray without watching the clock, for the greater good of all people. We praise you that Prayer moves the hand that moves the world, and you have encouraged us to pray without ceasing.

Where there is Hatred help us show love, where there is Doubt let us create Faith, and where there is Despair, let us offer Hope, so that Jesus Christ might walk the streets of this Land in the lives of his followers, and that change for the good and for God might be the result. Give us peace in our time, peace from the ravages of war, peace from the struggles of poverty, peace from the search for food, and peace from the differences that divide us. Then unite us in Christ and unite us in Love, to hold a helping hand out to a lost and dying world, and grant Lord that when we reach out to others, our hands may not be empty, but full of the tangible things that make for a better life. In these moments of silence today lord we remember especially all who have lost their loved ones in this past week, comfort the bereaved, sustain the broken-hearted, and help us all to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto Righteousness; for

We ask these things in the Precious name of Jesus, who taught us when we pray to say:

Our Father, who art in Heaven …”Amen