Prayers 6

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father we come to you through your Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ asking that we may be enabled by so coming to get to know you better through your revealed word. We thank you that we can come with our burdens and cares and receive from you rest and help in our times of need. Guide and direct our lives after your wise counsels, and help us lay aside the things that are temporary and pertaining to this life only, so that we may more fully grasp the things that are eternal and of the life to come. We praise you that Jesus has died for our sins and if we accept by faith his offer of pardon and forgiveness then we can know the grace and mercy , that leads us into cleansing and forgiveness. We bless your Holy name, that through His life and death he has revealed to us your awesome character, and thus helped us to remove from our minds the doubts and fears that spring from a guilty conscience. Lord we thank you that you are not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to a knowledge of the truth and thus be saved from judgement and the wrath of God. Give us Lord obedient hearts to follow your word and your ways with diligence and joy, so that we might experience the blessing of walking in the best way. Give us vision for your purpose and destiny, so that we may not live without hope, and help us to understand that if we acknowledge you in all our ways, you will direct our path. We thank you for your unending and unequalled love towards to, and today as we read and meditate on your Holy Word, grant that our Faith may rise to take fresh wings on its promises, so that we may soar to the new Spiritual Heights and reach the Spiritual peaks that you have for us. This blessing which we seek for ourselves we ask for all others worshipping as we are now, and may your grace abound to those who earnestly desire your best.

We ask all these things in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Prayers of Intercession

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father we thank you that the Gospel of the Kingdom is an all embracing message, excluding none, and including all. We thank you that it is not only a preaching message, but a practical message. So help us Lord that our example be not in word only, but in deed and truth. Help us to learn to do the little things that can make a difference for so many. Give us a friendly disposition, a kindly word, and a loving spirit, so that our neighbours and friends may know that we really do care about making this world a better place for them all. We thank you that great men and women of God in past generations have left us fine examples to imitate, but we rejoice in the greatest example, the greatest life, the greatest love of all, we rejoice in Jesus who makes our living and witness possible. May his life and love be reflected most in our example and in our service.

We pray for all whose changing circumstances this week have brought them into difficulties and cares and anxieties, and for all those who feel they have no help and no friend to turn to. We bless your Holy Name that you are acquainted with all our ways, and have numbered even the hairs on our head. So then Lord help us as your Church to be there for those in need, and to be a practical source of encouragement for all who need wise counsel, strong faith and heavenly help in these days.

Grant to those who sit in Government and Authority, the ability to make wise decisions and careful judgement, so as to best benefit our whole communities, and ease the burdens and worries that weigh heavily on so many at this time. Give peace across the world, and help us to learn to put to death our anger, jealousy, pride, and greed, and all evil, rather than putting to death our fellow human beings. Protect and guard us from the things that terrorise and cause us fear, and help us to seek for your strength in our own weaknesses, and for you’re your love which can conquer all. We pray especially for our young people that we who are older may protect and influence them for good and for God, so that they might find and follow their God ordained destiny! Bless our home and family life and cement our relationships with the adhesive of love, for we ask all our prayers in the name of Jesus, who taught us when we pray to say “Our Father …..”