New Prayers 3


Heavenly Father, what a blessing it is, and what a privilege also, to have time to meet together around your word.   Our fellowship with you is through the Holy Spirit in the place of Prayer and in the place of Mediation on the Scriptures – the Word, the unchanging and unending truth.

We bless you that you teach and counsel us through your Word.

Those who say that “experience is the best teacher,” or “life itself is the best teacher”- are not being truly honest.   It may be possible for us to learn a few things from our experiences in life, but most of us have already proved that the best teacher in life is God’s Word; the instruction manual given for our living. That’s why “Every Scripture is inspired by God and is helpful, profitable for teaching”


There is no better way to be a success in life than to follow the Counsel of God and do what that counsel says. Some have to learn through terrible experiences the things they could have learned if they had only followed the Word of God.   The Psalmist could say, “thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” – “By your words Lord, we can see where we are going; they throw a beam of light on our darkened way.”

So we thank you today that meditating on the Word of God illuminates the path of our lives; and gives direction and the `know-how’ to succeed. Through the counsel of the Word many are saved and spared from regrettable experiences.

Thank you Father that you do not expect us as your Children to live by “trial and error”; but if we will stick to the Word, then everything about life will work out wonderfully well. Not all may look well, but all will work well together to produce the very best, there can be no disadvantage for the child of God.   We thank you Lord that in Yielding and Surrendering to the Word and living by it, will make our testimony, our lives a wonder to others. They will see that the Word of God has become the pilot, our guiding light. So grant us light and life today – as we wait on in your holy presence – for Jesus sake …Amen


New Intercessions 3

Heavenly Father, your wisdom and counsel far surpasses, far exceeds the wisdom of any man.   Your thoughts are not our thoughts and your ways are not our ways, they are infinitely higher, greater than ours. So we thank you that we may come with confidence in your presence to ask you for the things we see around us that need Heavenly Intervention.   We thank you that when there is no Earthly Hope, we may seek for Heavenly Help.   You want to partner with us in changing our world and in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the lives of men and women around us.   We thank you that we have the power, (a God given power) to impact our world for good in these days and in these times.   There is much that could discourage us, but we take courage in knowing that our God Reigns – and while we walk in step with him, we also may reign over the circumstances of our lives. Enable us always to walk in victory and not in defeat. To understand that we may function and flow in the power of the Holy Spirit today as we interact with others and as we share with them and care for them.   Give us a compassion that sees beyond the normal and the natural, to the abnormal and the supernatural.

Our work is in the natural, but your work is always supernatural. Together Lord we can change this world, and change the hearts of the people around us as we live for Jesus – and live like Jesus.

Forgive us our often half-heartedness in service, and set us on fire for God, that we may burn brightly and light up the darkness that is so rapidly overtaking our world. We thank you that even a small candle, can transform a darkened room.   Grant us courage today to shine in our small corner, and dispel, chase away all negativity and evil.   We thank you that all may change but Jesus never changes, and as we present him to a hurting and frightened world, his peace, his love and his life will bring them calm, comfort and courage to face the future.   We bless your Holy name that there is never a time when we may not set our hopes in Jesus, so we place our hands afresh into His as we walk into this new week. Lead and guide us every step of the way, for we ask it in the Saviours name, who has Himself taught us to pray and to say… Our Father