New Prayers 6


Heavenly father, you have called to “walk by Faith and not by sight” and for the child of God, faith cannot merely be a one-off activity for getting something done; it must be a daily, continuous lifestyle. Your word teaches us that there’s really no other way to live as a child of God, but by faith.   We can so easily put faith in others, we depend on others to keep their word and their promises yet for some reason Lord, it seems so hard for us to become dependant on you, in spite of knowing that you cannot break or breach your word. Yet without faith it is impossible to please you!

So grant us a confidence in our spirits, when confronted with challenging situations, for to know that our faith will always prevail.


Enable us to live as men and woman of faith everyday, by disregarding the earthly, transient, temporal circumstances, and focusing on eternal realities. This way, our faith will be continually strengthened and we’ll live lives well pleasing to you.


Like you, our Father, may we call and consider real the spiritual realities, which as yet we cannot see with our optical vision. Strengthen us not to depend only on the information we receive from our physical senses – but to See the way God sees; to speak the way God speaks; and live in dominion over the world and its systems, for our faith is the victory that overcometh the world.


Make us over-comers when others are overtaken. Fighters when others are failing, and Victorious when others are victims. Give us testimony in the trials and faith for the future.

May your word before us now lighten and brighten our day and strengthen us to face whatever tomorrows you may lend us.

We ask it for the Glory of Christ and the good of his Church

In Jesus name … Amen


New Intercessions 6

Loving Lord, humbly and reverently we come in your presence, conscious of your power and glory, conscious of your awesome ability to do for us, exceedingly abundantly and above all that we could ever ask or think.   Forgive us Lord, when we belittle you in our prayers and ask for so little when we could ask for so much.

Today we ask for courage to be identified with Jesus. Unlike Peter who denied him fearful of the mob, help us to stand up for Jesus even if it make us unpopular with the crowd. Give us strength to be different from the rest, to be bold in our fight against evil and strong in our fight for the Good.

You have called us to be the Salt of the Earth and the light of the world, and while we truly want to the kind of salt that preserves the good and halts the decay, we also long to be the kind of salt that makes the world thirsty for God and for more of His will and way.

We confess that it is easy to stay quiet, easy to take the back seat, easy to avoid the spotlight, easy to mingle and hide in the crowd, but we ought to be exceptional people, standing outside of the normal, swimming against the tide, tacking the fiercest foes and the strongest battles.


There are many that would oppose the Gospel today, many obstacles in the path of the true believer and the true blood bought Church. Yet we praise you Father, that we are on the victory side, where no foe can daunt us and no fear may haunt us.   Give us the vision of Elisha to see that there is Heavenly Help on our side, a greater number with us, than with the world.   We Bless your holy name that we shall win in the end, and that all the cruelties, poverties and horrors of this world will cease – and Jesus will take his rightful Throne to rule and reign over us for ever. So, give courage to the fainthearted, hope to the helpless and life in abundance, full ‘till it overflows – to those whose desire is for more of God.

We ask these things in the Saviours name, the name of Jesus who has taught us to pray and say “Our Father…”