New Prayers 8


Heavenly Father, The Psalmist calls us to the beauty of the House of God, to the place of holiness and happiness in you.   We want that today as we come together to worship and sit at your feet. Like Mary who broke the priceless jar of oil and poured it over your feet, we too want to pour out our love and devotion in this hour.

Lord strengthen our desire and passion for the Saviour and His house.   Enable us to follow in your steps – to serve and to give our lives for the glory and good of others. Tear us away from anything that is of self and sin, and help us to stand as a copy of our Saviour & Master – reflecting his example, being ready to serve with every opportunity that comes our way.


Too often we have become content with merely being a member in a local assembly, or church – expecting someone else to be serving and getting the jobs done.   We are too many spectators and too few running in the race.   Help us Lord, to be always enthusiastic about serving you, and doing things for you, not necessarily expecting to be praised or applauded by men. Doing whatever we do as unto our Lord. knowing that you are not unmindful to forget our labours of love.


Help us to discover and uncover our God given gifts and abilities

So that instead of burying our talents we may be using and investing them for time and for eternity in the lives of others.

Yet save us from the business that is work and not worship, temporal but not eternal. Lord, Grant that we may desire your leading us instead of your following us, so that without seeking it the blessing may already be upon us in the doing of your perfect will.   And that when we come home to you at the last, it may be to hear the “Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant” – We ask it for your dear names sake –



New Intercessions 8


Almighty and merciful Father, You have gifted us with a heart of compassion because you are compassion, and every one of us is called to reflect the new nature of Jesus that dwells in us. Truly we do hurt when others hurt and ask for wisdom and understanding today to enable and empower us to do something beyond prayer, to do something practical to remove the plight and pain that many are facing at this time.

We remember all who suffer today, and especially those who are ill at home or in hospital, and all who care for them and minister to their needs. We thank you for Doctors, nursing staff and those who research ways and means of alleviating pain and suffering within our hospitals and great institutions.     We pray too for those who have recently lost their loved ones and for those for whom this day brings back sad memories. Comfort in your loving kindness all whose eyes are filled with tears, and whose hearts are heavy with sorrow, so that in this dark and difficult time they may understand the boundless love of God, and experience your great peace which passes all understanding.


We thank and praise you today for the fine examples left us in past generations of those who have made very real sacrifices both to give and to go to where people hurt.   While we may not all be able to do as they have, help us to see what we can do, what service we can render to our Lord this very day.


In times of crisis across our world, grant peace to the nations, harmony where there is discord, hope where there is terror, and clear vision where there is darkness and despair.   Give leadership at both national and local levels, so that right may overcome wrong, and truth prevail over every deception.   We bind Satan and the powers of darkness in the mighty name of Jesus and we take back the love and life he has stolen from so many.   We call it done, by faith and claim victory in Christ, who himself, has taught us when we pray to say … OUR FATHER