Prayers 10

Almighty and Merciful Father, we thank you that you have called us out of the darkness of this world, into the light and liberty of the glorious gospel, and have in your Son Jesus Christ, given us life eternal. We thank you that the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us giving us an example, so that we should follow in his steps. Lord help us to be like Jesus in the words we say, the things we do, and the help we offer, so that the life of Jesus may be reflected in our lives. Forgive the often empty gestures we make on his behalf towards our lost and dying world. Forgive the half-hearted attitudes we have to your word, your ways and your will. Impart to us a deep love and tender affection for those around us, of every creed, class and colour, so that we might follow the commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves. Help us to forgive as we have been forgiven, “for if we forgive not men their trespasses, neither will our heavenly father forgive us”. Lord enable us to put away, for ever, anger, pride, jealousy, bitterness, and resentment, and every sinful way, and to put on the garment of Salvation which clothes us in righteousness, love and peace, and brings us into union with Jesus Christ, heirs and joint heirs with him, of all the eternal promises of your Word. Write your word indelibly on the fabric of our hearts, so that being schooled in the ways of God, we may abandon more readily our own evil ways, and run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the one who is the beginning and end of our faith, the one who, although the builders rejected him, has become the chief corner stone of our belief, and the treasure of our yielded hearts.

Inspire us to commit your word to memory so that like the Psalmist we might order our steps thereby. Bless the word to our hearts as we read and ponder its message today, for Jesus sake and glory we pray, Amen.

Prayers of Intercession

Eternal Father, we bless your holy name that we may fear no foe, when you stand beside us, when you are at hand to bless us. Give us a consciousness of your abiding presence every day, so that we may experience the resolution of our problems, and the dissolution of our pressures. We thank you that your tender mercies endure, you are ever faithful and ever sure. Because of your faithfulness we know that we may intercede on behalf of those who do not, or cannot pray for themselves. Father look with mercy on those in need, reach out your loving hand through the gifts and generosity of your Church to a lost and dying world, and enable us to share and care in practical and prayerful ways. We rejoice that no evil will win in the end, and that God and Good will prevail. Remove then Lord from our world those cruel and evil influences that destroy the lives and livelihoods of men and women, and create destruction and despair across the planet. Give our leaders and governments fresh incentive and fresh vision to apportion with fairness the resources and wealth that we all share, so that there may be enough for every soul, and a brighter day dawning. In these difficult times, help us always to set our hope in God, and put no confidence in the flesh, enable us to rest and rely on the eternal promises of the Word, so that anchored in Christ, we may know his rest in every storm! We pray Lord for those still outside of the family and flock of God, those blinded by the things of time, so that they cannot see their eternity and the necessity to prepare for it. Grant repentance towards God and faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, so that trusting in Him, and not in themselves, they may know Life abundant, and life eternal. We ask all these our prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us when we pray to say, … “Our Father…..”