Public Prayers 1


Father in Heaven, we worship you and marvel at your awesome power, your creative splendour, your matchless love and your

endless mercy.   On one level we feel unworthy to be in your Holy Presence, yet on another level we are conscious that this is where we belong, because Jesus has made us your own, your sons and daughters. We are heirs and joint heirs with him, of all that heaven affords.   Enable us so to live every day above all the pressures and problems of our human existence, acknowledging that we are only strangers here, this world is not our home, we are but passing through.   We are citizens of Heaven.


Here we have no continuing city, but we have an inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled, eternal in heavenly places with our Blessed Saviour.   We thank you that all things, even unwelcome things are working together for our good and that there can be no disadvantage for the child of God.   We thank you for the Blood of Jesus and for the power that His blood still holds in destroying the works of evil and darkness.   Enable us to walk in the cleansing of the Blood, the power of the blood and the victory of the blood every day.   So that we shall never become victims but always victors over the world the flesh and the devil, over every temptation from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes

and the pride of life.


We thank you for the Name of Jesus, Precious name, the hope of earth and the joy of Heaven.   We thank you that his name is good enough in heaven to guarantee our prayers and petitions, and we praise you that coming to you today and everyday in his name, we know that we are already successful, for the work is finished and Jesus has sat down.   Enable us to trust you completely without any doubt whatever, so that we may know the power and presence of faith that counts with God.

Feed and nourish our Spirits as we read and mediate on the Holy Page, and may your Word lighten and brighten our path into every day of this new week.   For we ask all these things, with grateful thanks,

in the Saviours name.


Public Prayers & Intercessions 1


Blessed Lord, in your presence there is fullness of joy and at your right hand there are pleasures for evermore, and as your Children we are such a blessed people. We are truly blessed in every way. We are blessed in our Home and family life, we are blessed with great and good friends, we are regularly blessed with more than enough and to spare, and we are blessed in relationship with you and the Church, the body of Jesus Christ.

We are blessed in the knowledge of sin forgiven, blessed with the peace of God which passes all understanding, blessed with the presence of God and the protection of Heavens Angels and blessed in our going out and coming in.   We are blessed with Health and wholeness, with happiness and contentment, and with many answers to Prayer.


For this reason Dear Father we intercede for those who are not your children, those still living and walking at a distance from God. Those who struggle every day to find happiness and contentment in life and those who worry and fret about the future and about their eternal well-being. Lord,   look mercifully upon them and grant them the faith that saves and the life that satisfies.   Enable them to understand their value to us as those who care, and their even greater value to you as the one who created them.


Give to your Church today a new vision, a fresh insight into the ways and means by which we can impact our world for Good and for God.

Enable us to lose our small parochial vision, and give us a glimpse of the world. Raise to power and authority those who have the heart of the Saviour to care and share, so that we might hasten the day of your Kingly Reign amongst us.


Touch with your Healing mercy all who listen right now, and at this very moment may the power of God cleanse and cure your hurting children. From the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet, may the miracle of renewal and restoration flow, for we ask it for your glory and in the Name of Jesus,

who taught us to pray and say: Our Father ….